We need everyone to speak up for asylum seekers. You are the most important spokesperson when it comes to influencing your friends and family! Here are some talking points to help you. We have also included tips on talking about immigration in general because this often comes up.
Step #1 Personal stories are more effective in encouraging empathy than facts and figures. After telling a story to encourage empathy, you can ask the audience how they would feel in the position of the asylum seeker in your story. You can find personal stories about individuals who are seeking asylum through the Kino Border Initiative, our collaborator on the southern border. For instance, you can read Belicia’s story here: https://www.kinoborderinitiative.org/migrant-story-belicia/
Step #2 If you receive pushback, ask questions instead of arguing. As much as possible, agree with what you hear to disarm your audience. Try to get their story. When they complain about something, say “It sounds like you’re worried about…” and relate it to something asylum seekers are going through. Learn what matters to your audience and use that to encourage empathy.
Step #3 Finally, offer a suggestion for the audience to act on what you’ve told them. The feeling of accomplishment from that concrete action will inspire the audience to do more good work!
Remember: You might not change the mind of the person you’re directly talking to, but you might change the minds of people listening. And vulnerable people will notice if no one stands up for them.
Media requests: While it is important to spread the word about asylum seekers coming to Rutland through Bridge to Rutland, please refer all media requests to our Executive Director at bridgetorutland@gmail.com or 802-779-4217. Thank you!