The Annual Arts Marathon is a fundraiser to help Bridge to Rutland assist asylum seekers in Rutland County with housing, living expenses and legal fees. The Arts Marathon is a community effort involving artists of every kind. At least five days per week in the month of the marathon, the artist(s) you sponsor will send you a different example of their creative process and work.
Below you can see some of the art created during the recent Arts Marathon.
Ann Buffum
Uragh Standing Stones, County Kerry Ireland. Watercolor and Pigma Micron.
I love painting as a hobby. I taught school for 32 years and have been retired since 2002. I have no interest in selling anything, hence no website, business cards, etc.
Sabra asked me to do the Marathon. And since it was a worthwhile cause I said yes. I truly had fun picking out a painting each day and writing about it…what inspired it, materials used, memories or travel and other artwork. The daily choice and writing became a journal and I would like to do this again next year.

Carrie Moulton

Daniela Stewart

Deb Roy

Digital Arts Stafford Technical Center
All are invited to the Stafford Technical Center Digital Arts Final Show 2024 on Thursday, May 30, at the Chaffee Art Center, 16 South Main St. in Rutland. Catering provided by Marble Valley Kitchen & Deli.

Elsie Gilmore
I had such a great experience with the Arts Marathon. I loved making daily videos to share my progress. It was interesting to talk about my process, what I’d done, and how I planned to proceed each day. It really made me examine how I did things. I worked on two different projects during the month.

Gale Finlayson

Lois Johnstone
Thanks for viewing the B2R virtual gallery. We will also be participating in Vermont’s Open Studio this coming Memorial Day weekend, May 25 and 26, and invite you to visit us at 1206 Church St. in Wallingford.
802 446 2442

Ruth Anne Barker

Sabra Shulman
- Brown wool hat $50
- Green cowl $36
- Gnome $15
- (Maroon hat is sold!)

Sue Carey