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We welcome your involvement in Bridge to Rutland. There are many ways to contribute, and you can stay up-to-date on those opportunities and other Bridge to Rutland news by joining our email list! Fill out this form to be added to our contact list and to receive updates.


We welcome donations in the form of money, goods, and time/labor. Find out more about how to contribute by clicking below. We thank you for your generosity.

Speak Up

Learn how to be an advocate for asylum seekers and break some of the misconceptions about them. We dispel common myths and help you use language that is beneficial to our cause.

Host an Asylum Seeker

Would you be willing to open your home to asylum seekers while they wait to be approved to work? Find out more about what this entails and how we support you in this valuable role.


We need all types of volunteers to help run our organization and support asylum seekers we are helping to relocate in Rutland County. Find out how you can lend your skills and time to this valuable effort.