Sign a letter to support housing assistance

Federal funding for low income Vermonters is going away in the next few months. This is a crisis for all Vermonters, as we struggle to recover from COVID. Our asylum seekers are among the economically disadvantaged people who will be affected by this change.

With winter coming on, we need to act now! So Bridge to Rutland is joining the Vermont Interfaith Action effort to ask the governor to come up with an immediate plan to provide housing for economically disadvantaged Vermonters who are losing federal funding in the next few months.

Please sign this letter to add your support:

(Note: It asks for your congregation because the letter has been generated by the Interfaith network. But you can put “Not applicable” if that’s appropriate/feels more comfortable.)

To learn more about the Vermont Interfaith Action’s work:—-religious-leaders-decry-ending-rental-assistance-program/article_65360d68-32e1-11ed-b1ae-27fc58944ae5.html

Thank you!