Monday Oct 26 Call about Immigration

Our friends at Sojourners will be participating in a monthly call on immigration on Monday October 26th at 1 p.m. EDT via Zoom. We will talk about how we can be a courageous presence in favor of our immigrant neighbor’s physical and emotional wellbeing this election season. RSVP for Immigration Mondays here to receive a Zoom meeting link and password!  

From Sojourners:

Immigration Mondays are a time for prayer and action in support of our immigrant community. During our calls, we learn how we can join the efforts of coalitions led by immigrant people fighting for the rights of our immigrant community, strategizing around protecting the right to seek asylum. We advocate for more humane detention and deportation practices that honor the God-given dignity of every person. We advocate for the reimagining of our immigration system and reexamining of police funding. We also hear from each other about our efforts to seek justice for our immigration community, both the celebrations and the struggles. 

This coming Monday, we will meet to discuss how we can be a courageous presence with our immigrant neighbors this election season. We’ll share ideas around how to have conversations with our friends and family about how the policies of a future president could affect our immigrant communities, how courageous presence at the polls, how to partner with local organizations to host Know Your Rights trainings for immigrant neighbors, and how to check in with our immigrant neighbors before and after election day. 

As a reminder, we hold these calls on the last Monday of each month, during which we strategize on the most effective ways to seek justice with our immigrant community.