KYR is important for both asylum seekers and other immigrants as well as for U.S. citizens. It’s important for employers, law enforcement, the medical community, schools, libraries, faith communities, and…
A new time for justice work. Bridge to Rutland has been in existence since August of 2020. We have welcomed 5 families, surrounded 12 asylum seekers with wrap-around services and…
We are pleased to be sharing the newsletter from our liaison on the southern border: Bienvenidos | Welcome “Who is my neighbor?” A young legal scholar famously posed this question to…
We’re very disappointed to see the Biden Administration putting new asylum restrictions into place. This inhumane policy will endanger people fleeing from violence while undermining the entire spirit of asylum.…
Title 42, a racist policy preventing asylum seekers from entering the country, is expected to end soon. We’re still not sure what will happen then, but we can prepare. Here’s…
We’re pleased to be able to share the below update from our partner on the southern border: Bienvenidos | Welcome It may surprise you to hear that I still struggle…