Support for
Asylum Seekers

Bridge to Rutland is a Rutland County, Vermont 501(c)3, that offers sponsorship, partnership, and a home for those seeking asylum in the U.S.

April Arts Marathon

The Arts Marathon is our major annual fundraiser, and all money raised helps us assist with housing, living expenses, and legal fees for asylum seekers in our local community.

This art is from Ann Buffum, an artist from our 2024 Arts Marathon.

Helping asylum seekers in Vermont

Separated from their loved ones

Asylum seekers are often separated from their loved ones either at the border or because they’re unable to bring them along. Bridge to Rutland provides asylum seekers with a stable life that allows them to thrive in Rutland County while we advocate for better immigration policies.

We Deliver Lasting Impact


We help asylum seekers find safe, sustainable housing for them and their families.


We help asylum seekers find healthcare, food resources, and volunteer opportunities.


We help young asylum seekers enroll in school and adults find career education opportunities.

Legal Help

We pair asylum seekers with attorneys to assist them in becoming legal residents.